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XII Meeting of Young Researchers in Paleontology
The Meeting of Young Researchers in Paleontology (EJIP) returns to Aragon and isheld in Sobarbe Geopark on 10, 11 and 12 April 2014, at the Headquarters of theadministrative division of Sobrarbe in Boltaña.
This meeting, which have enrolled 100 young researchers, will include two fulldays whith scientific sessions and a day of field. Then they can see one of the mostimportant paleontological sites in Sobrarbe Geopark: “the cave of cave bears” inTella.
Participants, through the inaugural conference, will also be able approach thefigure of a Geopark, management, promotion activities relating to geological andpaleontological heritage and its importance in local development.
Within the geological wealth treasured by the Sobrarbe also we highlightpaleontological Heritage, object of study of young researchers and universities.That is why the Geopark and administrative division of Sobrarbe feel especiallyhonored to welcome and support this XII Meeting.
The EJIP was formed as an initiative of a group of geology students at theUniversity of Zaragoza. It was the perfect way to bring together people who werestarting out in the world of paleontology to meet, discuss, exchange information,collaborate and talk about the joys and sorrows of the always difficult first steps.
See more here.