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01 Name

The European Geoparks Network (EGN) is the Regional Network in Europe of the Global Geoparks Network (GGN). The use of the EGN name, acronym and logo is restricted to functions authorized by, and for the benefit of, the EGN and its members.

02  Location of the EGN Coordination Cellule.

The EGN coordination cellule is the official contact office for the EGN.

The Coordination Cellule of the EGN is in the Haute Provence UNESCO Global Geopark at the Musée Promenade, Montée Bernard Dellacasagrande, 04000 Digne les Bains, France.

The location may be modified by a decision of the EGN Coordination Committee.

03.Categories of Membership.

The European Geoparks Network (EGN) as the Regional Network in Europe of the Global Geoparks Network (GGN) includes all the GGN members located in Europe. There is no other procedure to join EGN other than the procedures to join GGN.

  1. GGN Institutional Members — UNESCO Global Geoparks located in Europe.
  2. GGN Individual Members – Global Geopark Professionals — Persons who have combined or proved professional experience in Global Geopark management (geological heritage, sustainable development, tourism development and promotion, and environmental issues)  from a European country
  3. GGN Honorary Members — Persons who have rendered exceptional services to the international Global Geopark community or to the GGN from a European country.
  4. GGN Cooperating Members — International Organizations, institutions or persons providing substantial financial or other assistance to the EGN because of an interest in Global Geoparks and international co-operation between Global Geoparks, from a European country.

04. Annual Promotional Fee

4.1. Amount and Payment of the Promotional Fee

Each Institutional and Cooperating Member of the EGN shall pay an annual promotional  fee at a rate recommended by the EGN Advisory Committee and approved by the EGN Coordination Committee.

Every year, the EGN Coordination Committee shall announce the amount of the annual membership fee for the following year.

4.2. Period Covered by the Promotional Fee

The annual promotional fee shall cover the calendar year in question.

05. Members Representation

5.1 Designated Representatives

Institutional Members should designate two persons to represent them at the EGN Coordination Committee, one is an Earth Scientist (using a broad definition of that term) with experience in geological heritage protection and/or promotion and the other is a geopark manager (including local authority representative) or a specialist on local development / community involvement / tourism.

Cooperating Members can designate one (1) person to represent them  at the EGN Coordination Committee

5.2. Special Status

Honorary and Cooperating Members are entitled to membership rights and privileges but may not hold an elected office in the EGN.

06 – Components of the EGN

The EGN is composed as follows:

i. Coordination Committee
ii. Advisory Committee
iii Coordinator and Vice-Coordinator
iv. National Geopark Fora / Committees
v. Working groups – Catalysts
vi. European Geoparks Conference
vii. European Geopark Meetings
viii. Affiliated Organisations
ix. Operational Secretariat

07 – Governance Structure

7.1 – The Coordination Committee (CC)

Coordination Committee Members [link]

The Coordination Committee is the only decision making committee of the EGN, regarding regional issues.

The CC meets regularly, at least twice a year, each time hosted in a different Geopark, to discuss the Network’s progress and to coordinate joint programmes and activities between members.

The CC comprises the 2 official nominated representatives of each Geopark, GGN Individual members from Europe plus the representative of UNESCO, IUGS and IUCN.

The Institutional members in EGN Coordination Committee are represented by two representatives from each European Geopark, one is an Earth Scientist (using a broad a definition of that term) with experience in geological heritage protection and/or promotion and the other is a Geopark manager or a specialist on local development / community involvement / tourism.

During the EGN CC meetings each representative of the institutional members and each individual member has one vote UNESCO, IUCN and IUGS do not have voting rights in the CC.

No individual can officially represent more than its own Geopark or Aspiring Geopark. This refers in particular to the official positions as mentioned in the Geopark Application Document.

An official Geopark representative cannot provide private paid consultancy (by contract) to other Geoparks or Aspiring Geoparks.

7.2 – The Advisory Committee (AC)

The Advisory Committee is made up of specialists in sustainable development and the enhancement and promotion of geological heritage. These specialists include representatives of the zones that originally initiated the EGN plus elected members and representatives of international structures working in the area of enhancement of geological heritage (UNESCO, IUGS, IUCN). The Advisory Committee provides advice on all issues concerning strategy, external relations and the nomination and integration of new zones within the network. The AC has no decision making ability.

The AC advises on particular topics of discussion within the network, including the admission of new members, but does not have the ability to take decisions for the network.

Two positions within the AC are reserved for the elected Coordinators.

Three positions within the AC are reserved for Guy Martini, Nickolas Zouros and Andreas Schüller as representatives of the founding members of the EGN in recognition of their particular experience and knowledge on Geoparks development. If one of these individuals leaves the AC, for whatever reason, their position will not automatically be transferred to another individual from their geopark but will be subject to election by the CC.

One position in the AC is automatically reserved for UNESCO, one is reserved for IUGS and one for IUCN.

Four (8) positions within the AC are elected by the members of the CC for a period of two years.

The EGN CC may elect up to two special advisors from the GGN Individual Members to join EGN AC.

In the EGN AC a position is also reserved to a member of the EGN Magazine Editorial Board

Advisory Committee,  Members(2024–2026)

Sophie Justice   Chablais UNESCO Global Geopark, France, Coordinator

Charalampos Fassoulas Psiloritis UNESCO Global Geopark, GREECE – Vice Coordinator

Guy Martini –Haute Provence UNESCO Global Geopark FRANCE –
Nickolas Zouros – Lesvos UNESCO Global Geopark –  GREECE –
Andreas Schueller – Vulkaneifel UNESCO Global Geopark – GERMANY –

Kristin Rangnes – Gea Norvegica UNESCO Global Geopark – NORWAY
Alesia Amorfini – Apuan Alps UNESCO Global geopark – ITALY
Ilias Valiakos – Lesvos UNESCO Global Geopark – GREECE,,

Mikko Kiuttu, Rokua UNESCO Global Geopark – FINLAND

Javier López Caballero, Viluercas Ibores Jara, UNESCO Global Geopark – SPAIN,

Cristian Ciobanu, Hateg County UNESCO Global geoaprk – ROMANIA

Daniela Rocha, Aruca UNESCO Global Geopark – PORTUGAL,

Suzana FAJMUT ŠRTUCL, Karawanken-Karavanke UNESCO Global Geopark – SLOVENIA–

João Carlos Nunes Individual Member, Porugal

Martina Paskova, Individual Member, Czech Republic
Tony Ramsay – Forest fawr UNESCO Global Geopark – UK EGN magazine Editorial Board


UNESCO : Kristof Vanderberge –
IUGS: Asier Hilario Orus –
IUCN: Tim Badman


7.3 – Coordinator and Vice-coordinator

The role of these positions is to coordinate the life and continuing growth of the network. The positions are elected by the CC for a period of two years. There is no limit to the number of times an individual can be re-elected to these positions.

CO-ORDINATOR (2024-26)
Sophie Justice   Chablais UNESCO Global Geopark, France, Coordinator
Charalampos Fassoulas– Psiloritis UNESCO Global Geopark, GREECE

08  EGN Coordination Cellule

The EGN coordination cellule is the official contact office for the EGN. The cellule coordinates the distribution of information on the network and acts as the initial contact point for new and aspiring members.


Haute Provence UNESCO Global Geopark, FRANCE
Musée Promenade, Montée Bernard Dellacasagrande, 04000 Digne les Bains, France.

EGN Coordinators :


09 Internal Committees / Working Groups

An Internal Committee / Working Group may be authorised by the EGN Coordination Committee to implement programmes and activities, and to serve as a channel of communication between members of the EGN with similar scientific and professional interests.

  • National Fora Report 
  • Volcanic Working Group
  • Education Working Group
  • Geohazards Working Group
  • Fossil Record and Evolution Working Group
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