CALL to host the 18th EGN Conference – September 2026
We are delighted to announce that we are looking for a host for the next EGN Conference.This prestigious event attracts at least 400 participants over three days. It is an important time for all those interested in UNESCO Global Geoparks…
17th European Geoparks Conference 2024 – Reykjanes UNESCO Global Geopark, Iceland
UNESCO Global Geoparks - Thriving Amidst Nature’s Tests The 17th European Geoparks Conference will be held in Iceland 2.-4. October 2024. This biannual event is a unique opportunity to connect with professionals and specialists working within and with Geoparks all…
Morocco Earthquake : The EGN offers thanks and solidarity to the M’Goun UGGp, host of the 10th International Conference on UNESCO Global Geoparks in Marrakech
Dear Colleagues, Dear Friends, You are all aware from information received from GGN colleagues and international media of the tragic earthquake of 8th September that has struck the region near Marrakech. Our thoughts and hearts are not only with our colleagues…
EGN Week 22nd May – 5th June 2023
The 94 European UNESCO Global Geoparks are getting ready to celebrate EGN Week! Follow this link to see all the different events you can enjoy in the 28 European countries celebrating this special time of networking and discovery. Please consult…
European Geoparks in action for International Day of Mother Earth, Saturday 22nd April
International Mother Earth Day 2023:Activities & Events of the UNESCO Global Geoparks of Europe Our planet Earth with its unique history and complex ecosystems is home of all creatures. The annual “Mother Earth Day” reminds us of protecting and preserving…
10th International Conference on UNESCO Global Geoparks
M’Goun UNESCO Global Geopark, Morocco5-10 September 2023 The 10th International Conference on UNESCO Global Geoparks will be held from 5th to 10th September 2023 and it is organized by M’Goun UNESCO Global Geopark, Morocco. The International Conference on UNESCO Global…
The EGN CC Meeting in Hateg County UNESCO Global Geopark
The 47th EGN CC meeting will be held in Hateg County UGGp, Romania, 27th - 31st of March. This meeting is open to the 2 registered delegates of each European UGGp and European individual members of GGN. Hateg County UGGp…
Official candidatures Name Coordinator Sophie Justice, Chablais UGGp Name Vice-Coordinator Charalampos Fassoulas, Psilorites UGGp EGN ADVISORY COMMITTEE A/A Name 1 Alessia Amorfini, Apuan Alps UGGp 2 Chris Woodley- Stewart, North Pennines UGGp 3 Cristian Ciaobanu, Hateg UGGp 4…