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Days of Ibones and Peatlands in the Pyrenees. Replim Project. April 16 and 17, 2018
The REPLIM Project, in collaboration with the Sobrarbe Region and the UNESCO World Sobrarbe-Pirineos Geopark, organize a thematic meeting on Ibones (Pyrenean lakes) and peatlands in the Pyrenees to exchange experiences among scientists, managers, users, businessmen, local and regional administrations and citizens.
The REPLIM Project of the European program Interreg V-A Spain-France-Andorra (POCTEFA 2014-2020) is a network of observatories of sensitive ecosystems (lakes, peatlands) to climate change in the Pyrenees. Led by the Pyrenean Institute of Ecology (IPE-CSIC), the UNESCO World Sobrarbe-Pirineos Geopark is a collaborating partner.
The project has been co-financed at 65% by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the Interreg V-A Spain – France – Andorra Program (POCTEFA 2014-2020). The objective of the POCTEFA is to reinforce the economic and social integration of the border area Spain-France-Andorra. Its support focuses on the development of cross-border economic, social and environmental activities through joint strategies in favor of sustainable territorial development.
During these days the REPLIM scientists will present the state of knowledge of Pyrenean ibones and peatlands, their possible response to climate and global change and the possibilities that the REPLIM network can offer for the sustainable development of the population of the Pyrenean valleys.
At the meeting, the guidelines and ongoing projects will be presented by those responsible for the departments involved in the DGA and local administrations will participate. We will have the presence of mountain tourism companies and hydroelectric companies, as well as representatives of the Parks and Protected Spaces, social agents, educators.
The sessions will be open to the public, on April 16 and 17, 2018, prior registration: http://www.geoparquepirineos.com/contenidos.php?niv=1&cla=_2OA1CDG68&cla2=_5570YYOEV&cla3=&tip=2&pla=0&idi=1
See more at www.geoparquepirineos.com