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Young archaeologists in Sobrarbe Geopark

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During “Semana Blanca” holidays last year, specifically the 02/27/14, a group ofyoung archaeologists from Sobrarbe participated in an archaeological prospection,within an activity scheduled for the services of  Youth and Heritage of our region incollaboration with the Sobrarbe Geopark .

For hours, cold and much patience, they toured several areas of the Region fortraces previously selected for research, under the direction of René Domergue. Thuscollaborated in his research that was looking settlements Visigothic or medievaltimes.

A year later, Professor René Domergue has contacted the organizers to notify thesearch results were found: one of the participants, on the edge of a slope, collectedpieces of ceramic Bronze Age (some small and one more large) and anotherparticipant iber found remains of Roman pottery that erosion, due to rainfall hasrevealed. These ceramics will be taken to the Provincial Museum of Huesca.

All the remains they found that day were put together and therefore they can notknow who was the participant who found it. Success undoubtedly is everyone whoparticipated: Víctor García Angulo, Alejandra Nacenta, Claudia and Adriana ÁlvarezVispe, Carlos Fraile Buetas, Blanca Noguero, Artur Vanquaille, Javier BerguaGonzález, Iñigo Sierra Guerrero, Elena Antín Mariñosa, Alejandro Lacambra y LuisBuetas, Marina Rivas and Ana Vispe as instructors and Belen Pérez Leal ascoordinator.

This is good news because in addition to spending a wonderful day and learn newthings about the work of an archaeologist, they obtained results … showed that theycan be patient.

On February 10 René Domergue had a brief meeting with attendees that activity inSobrarbe Secondary School to explain the characteristics of the finding.

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