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Begins the second edition of the program “EXCAVE with Sobrarbe Geopark”

Four citizens may participate in an archaeological excavation in Tella.

On Saturday July 5 begins the second edition of this program. This is to bring citizensthe geological and archaeological heritage of our country, as well as the techniques andmethodology used by the research teams.

Four people have been selected by lot to enjoy this experience of fieldwork in anarchaeological site of Sobrarbe.

They come from Barbastro, Huesca, Cubelles and Sobrarbe and will integrate intothe research team led by archaeologists:

  • Ignacio Clemente , Scientist in the Department of Archaeology and AnthropologyFontanals Institution Milà (IMF) of the Higher Council for Scientific Research.
  • Javier Rey Lanaspa, provincial archaeologist from Huesca. Department ofEducation, University, Culture and Sports of the Government of Aragon.
  • Ermengol Gassiot Ballbé, professor and secretary of the Department of Prehistoryat the Autonomous University of Barcelona.

In prior years, caving groups collected abundant surface materials (ceramic vessels,mills and polished axes) at this site.

In 2011 it took place the first drilling in which several archaeological materialsBronze Neolithic levels recovered. In 2013 a new drilling deepening over sixstratigraphic units was performed. Due to the discovery of several landslides, thelower levels have been reached, but the archaeological team handles the hypothesisthat the first occupations may be older.

In this new action we will continue this exciting work, carrying out anarchaeological dig in extension in furtherance of the social organization of space.

All information is available in

For more information please contact the Heritage Service Sobrarbe, phone 974 518025 or

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