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VII Seminar 2013 – “Sobrarbe Rivers”

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All our territory is crossed by a dense network of rivers that run theregion, like arteries, eroding, transporting and depositing sediments. His slow and steady work has drawn some of the most celebratedlandscapes of Sobrarbe.

Hand in hand the best experts during the Seminar we will try to learn to look the rivers with geological eyes. We will read in them the intensefluvial activity, landscape evolution and climate changes. We will learn more about the canyons and we will see, not without some surprise, how we can reconstruct the avenues that occurred in the past. Traditional uses of Sobrarbenses rivers will also pay our attention. We will also be able contemplate river ecosystems and fauna and floracharacteristic of them.

Back to the present to see their health status, how they are used and how they are managed. And, on the ground, will explain us the recent history of the greatest of the rivers born in Aragón, the Cinca, and visit the last great free river of the Pyrenees, the Ara, to enjoy its varied landscapes and its natural dynamic.

All in all, a new encounter with the best of rich geological heritage-fluvial in this case- that treasures Sobrarbe Geopark.

See the program link here.

See the program in pdf here.

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