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Magma Geopark is an area of unique geology and cultural heritage. The geopark is situated in southwest Norway and extends over 2329 km2. The story began as early as 1.5 billion years ago when red-hot magma and sky-high mountains characterized the region. Through millions of years, glaciers helped to form the characteristic landscape that we have today.

Although the magma has cooled down and solidified and the mountains have been worn away, the area offers a glimpse into the roots of an ancient mountain chain. Here is a rock type called anorthosite that is more common on the moon than on Earth. This unique area provides high-value heritage in local, national and international contexts.

Magma Geopark is working towards 46 Geopark localities being open to the public. Some examples of our localities are; St. Olav’s serpent, a fantastic glacial ridge (esker) that meanders through the landscape; the Gloppedal scree that represents one of the largest landslides in Europe; Eigerøy lighthouse with a walk through part of a huge magma chamber in a coastal landscape; Blåfjell old ilmenite mine; Hellersheia anorthosite landscape with huge blocks and caves; Storeknuten where you can see where magma entered Europe’s largest layered intrusion; Ørsdalen old tungsten mine; Gursli old molybdenum mine; huge coastal caves cut out of solid rock at Brufjell; and Flekkefjord old railroad.

Magma Geopark,
Sokndalsveien 26,
Egersund, Norway
+47 91782594
email :

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