The Chablais Geopark lies in a remarkable natural landscape which has impregnated the culture and the life of both its inhabitants and numerous visitors. Traditional architecture, the working of the land, the high mountain farms, the stories and legends, the natural riches of the Evian and Thonon mineral waters ….. are witness to these strong links between man and nature.
The Chablais Geopark and the local authorities of the Chablais are promoting these riches across a series of locations that we invite you to discover.
The Chablais : A reflection of the history of the Alps
The Chablais region is unique. The landscape recounts an ancient history over 250 million years old.
Along the 50km which separates Thonon-les-Bains and the Joux Plane Pass (Morzine), the Chablais reflects the history of the formation of the Alps!
Before the birth of the mountains, there was the Alpine Ocean. Sediments which were laid down in the depths of this ocean later became the rocks that formed the Chablais. Rocks, which following the creation of the Alps were folded, faulted, uplifted….
The riches of this geological history are visible notably through a large number of lakes and a wealth of renowned mineral waters. This is why the Chablais Geopark is themed around water and glacial heritage.
The Geopark : A territory that draws on its varied partners….
- Tourist stakeholders (museums, interpretation centres, mid mountain guides, heritage guides …..);
- Cultural stakeholders (Arts Centre, Thonon ….);
- Universities of the Savoie and Lausanne, the Geneva Museum of Natural History and the Cantonal Museum of Lausanne;
- The European and Global Geopark Network .
The Chablais Geopark supports environmental education, training and scientific research in the many disciplines of the earth sciences
In addition the SIAC and the members of the Chablais Geopark network are putting in place:
- Geotourism initiatives;
- Training – directed at tourist professionals;
- Excursions and events through which to discover the heritage of the Chablais;
- Educational tools and workshops.
The Georoute : Discovery of 23 major, emblematic sites
The sites along the GeoRoute are small windows which permit you to discover different aspects of our geological history, and which also explain the cultural and natural history of the Chablais. These sites are being equipped with information panels and interpretative aids during 2012-2013.
“Above all, a Geopark is not something for the specialist. By encouraging the preservation and promotion of geosites, it will contribute to the tourist and economic development of the Chablais. It is a true sustainable development tool.” concluded Jean-Pierre FILLON, President of the Intercommunal Development Syndicate of the Chablais, the host agency for the Geopark.
For more information :
Address :
Chablais Geopark
Syndicat Intercommunal d’Aménagement du Chablais
2 Avenue des Allobroges
Square Voltaire – BP 33
74201 Thonon-les-Bains Cedex
Tél. (puis 2) – 109
Geopark Coordinator : Anne Guyomard, ( –