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Hellenic Geoparks Forum FoundationHellenic Geoparks Forum Foundation

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On Friday, 14th January 2011 the Hellenic  Geoparks Forum is founded in Athens.

Representatives from the four European Geoparks in Greece (The Lesvos petrified forest Geopark,  Psiloritis Geopark, Helmos – Vouraikos Geopark and Vikos Aoos Geopark) and national organizations the Greek National Commission for UNESCO, the National Geological Survey -IGME, the Geological Society of Greece – Commission on Geological Geomorphological Heritage and the Geothechnical Chamber of Greece which gathers all the scientific associations that deal with Earth Sciences in Greece; attended the meeting.

The Hellenic Geoparks Forum founding declaration was signed.
Forum Coordinator for 2011 is elected Babis Fasoulas from Psiloritis Geopark.
The Hellenic Geoparks Forum Secretariat will operate in the Lesvos Petrified Forest Geopark ( | e-mail : ).
The first open event of the Forum will be organized next spring.

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