11 new sites added to Global Geoparks Network
Hong Kong Global Geopark Stamps
Adamelo Brenda Geopark launched a new “Geopark house ” on July 19th, 2014
Chelmos Vouraikos Geopark Co-organizing the 34th annual crossing of Vouraikos Gorge
This year, Chelmos-Vouraikos Geopark co-organized the annual Crossing of Vouraikos Gorge, alongside with the “Kalavryta Mountaineering Association”. On Saturday 10th of May, a workshop was held with several talks regarding the unique biodiversity of the area, the traditional rack-railway that…
Begins the second edition of the program “EXCAVE with Sobrarbe Geopark”
Kents Cavern charity wins Heritage Lottery Fund support
Today, the Kents Cavern Foundation (KCF), the new charitable organisation delivering education, scientific research and conservation at Devon’s award winning caverns, has received £42,000 from the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) for Project Firestone, an exciting project to encourage the general…
The world no tobacco day in Sobrarbe
News from Chablais Geopark (France)
The Chablais Geopark informs you about his news from France : The website Geopark Chablais is on line The web site www.geopark-chablais.com is on line from April. You can get all information about Chablais Geopark and discover the 23 geosites…