Kents Cavern charity wins Heritage Lottery Fund support
Today, the Kents Cavern Foundation (KCF), the new charitable organisation delivering education, scientific research and conservation at Devon’s award winning caverns, has received £42,000 from the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) for Project Firestone, an exciting project to encourage the general…
The world no tobacco day in Sobrarbe
News from Chablais Geopark (France)
The Chablais Geopark informs you about his news from France : The website Geopark Chablais is on line The web site is on line from April. You can get all information about Chablais Geopark and discover the 23 geosites…
A new textbook for the pupils of the Villuercas – Ibores – Jara Geopark (Spain)
Primary and High Schools of Villuercas - Ibores - Jara have already the new textbook "Environmental Awareness of Villuercas - Ibores - Jara Geopark" . It is an educational tool for teachers and students useful in the Environmental Awareness’ subject…
Participation of Chelmos – Vouraikos Geopark in adult educational program
XII Meeting of Young Researchers in Paleontology
The Meeting of Young Researchers in Paleontology (EJIP) returns to Aragon and isheld in Sobarbe Geopark on 10, 11 and 12 April 2014, at the Headquarters of theadministrative division of Sobrarbe in Boltaña. This meeting, which have enrolled 100 young…
Bikotel: new tourism product to discover Naturtejo Geopark
Bikotel is a new concept in Portugal developed by A2Z Adventures for Naturtejo Geopark. This new mountain bike, almost 150 km long circuit, connects five Geopark certified bike friendly hotels that offer specialized amenities to road- or mountain bikers. Naturtejo Geopark…