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The Astrobleme Chataigneraie Limousine European Geopark welcomed the 17th coordination committee in March 2006. It was a great pleasure and honour to host the meeting and all the participants.

2 major projects were realized during 2006 at Puycheny (geopartner ecomuseum tiles). The first deals with the development of a permanent welcome hall. This will support the existing educational programmes on the thematic “clays”. The total project value is 325.000 €. The second project was a the development of a trail in the serpentine moors “La Rousseille-Puycheny” and the management plan for the site. The delivery phase is planned for 2007.

Meteorite project in Rochechouart: after the feasibility study for a museum (2005), the project manager was been appointed in October 2006. The opening is planned for 2010. In the meantime, the existing Espace Meteorite will benefit of a “lifting” for the season 2007. A geological (meteorite) trail was development this year, with the delivery planned for late 2007.

Sadly we lost our Euroepan Geopark status in June 2006. This will be effective from January the 1st 2007. We aim to work hard to prepare a new application in 2008-2009. So we say good bye… and see you soon!

Further information: Christophe Lambert / Odile Dupuy

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