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Conference on “Meteorology in the Pyrenees”

Sobrarbe-Pirineos UNESCO Geopark begins its annualactivities in 2017 with a lecture on “Meteorology in thePyrenees“, given by Jorge García-Dihinx, author of the blog”La Meteo que viene”.

It will be on Friday March 10, at 8:00 pm, in the Auditorium”Pedro Santorromán” at the headquarters of the Region ofSobrarbe, in Boltaña.

No prior registration is required and is open to all interestedparties, until the seating capacity is completed.

The purpose of this talk is to know how the meteorological phenomena behave in the CentralPyrenees and how they serve to make a prediction of the weather. And consequently, amongother things, to be able to program the activities and exits to the mountain safely.It will last approximately one hour.

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